Personal information
Full name: Nupoor Gandhi
User name: nupoorgandhi
Organization memberships
Not a member of any organization.
First 500 volunteers
Volunteer background
Volunteer availability
Start date: None
End date: None
Hours available per week: None
Volunteering interests
No stated preferences.

No skills listed.

Volunteer projects

Project name Organization name Social impact area Project summary Task name Task status
Putting a face to's anonymous users Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) Education will be used by over 3 million people in 2020. With a average website session of just under two minutes, Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) has little understanding of the impact it makes on its users. ILAO seeks to gain insights from its website user data about who it serves, how it serves them, and how it can improve its services. User data analysis done_all Completed