I am a working professional with an experience of 8 months, looking to build skills in data science and deep learning. I have interests in clean energy and sustainability and would like to work on projects to improve my coding skills. I have limited experience but a great amount of drive to work towards something I believe in. I have had research experience in renewable energy from an aerodynamics standpoint and would like to continue working in the same domain from a data science perspective now.

In the past 8 months, I have worked with python on marketing mix modeling for a leading beverages company headquartered in Belgium. My work involved unit testing the different methods involved in the custom-made learning algorithm for production. Apart from that, I was also responsible for running the model and reporting results to the business team with actionable insights.

I would like to switch to clean energy completely in the coming years and I think DSSG would help me achieve that if given the right opportunity. I believe in learning by doing, that's how I learned OOP and some statistics central to deep learning algorithms, despite not having an academic background in either computer science or statistics. I shall give my best to the projects that I am a part of.

Personal information
Full name: Radha Parikh
User name: radprk
Organization memberships
Not a member of any organization.
No awards received yet.
Volunteer background
Education: Bachelor's on Aeronautical Engineering (Manipal Institute of Technology)
LinkedIn profile
Github profile
Volunteer availability
Start date: June 14, 2022
End date: None
Hours available per week: 8
Volunteering interests
No stated preferences.
Data in Text Files
Data in Relational Databases
GIS tools
Experience working on real-world problems using data
Data Visualization
Data Analysis
Random Forests
Neural Networks / Deep Learning
Decision Trees
Time Series Models

Volunteer projects

No volunteer work yet.