Dear Reader,
My name is Winnie and I am passionate about data, coding and analyses. Although I have only been working with insurance data and cashflow projection models for approximately 10 years I am not afraid to look beyond my day to day activities. I would very much like to expand my experience to other areas and to contribute in whatever form is needed.
My experience is mainly in data cleaning, databases, model building, coding and analyses. My main programming skills are in Python, R, C#, SQL and a bit of MongoDB. For analyses I mainly use regression models and cashflow projection models. Finally, my main BI tools are PowerBI and Tableau.
To keep it short and to the point, I'll leave it at this. As mentioned, I am passionate about data science and I would love to be able to get involved. Even if it may seem like a small issue, I would love to use the opportunity to get my foot in the door. So, you have any requests and/or issues I'd love to hear more about them!
Best, Winnie
No volunteer work yet.