I am a junior data scientist, based in Milan. After graduating in Economics and Finance at LUISS Guido Carlo, I completed a master in Big Data and Management at Luiss Business School, where I discovered more closely the wonders of artificial intelligence. No need to say I fell in love with the field, and I had the luck to match my passion with a real job. Indeed, I am working in Milan for an important media agency. During my one-year experience as an intern, I had the opportunity to conduct key analytics projects in the realm of audience segmentation and insights extraction, with a focus on the adoption of machine learning techniques. I was assigned direct responsibility in implementing fast and reproducible analysis in R and Python, aimed at discovering our clients’ audiences. I periodically presented my results to the “intelligence” hub of the agency, and successfully conveyed technical concepts in a comprehensible way. One of my projects, aimed at advanced audience clustering, is currently on the way for being used as a source of audience segmentation for clients advertising campaigns. I am an ambivert person, who likes having people around but always take an introspective approach to life. I always ponder my possibilities and my limits, and try to get where I want, without any fear.

Personal information
Full name: Manuel De Luzi
User name: manueldeluzi
Organization memberships
Not a member of any organization.
No awards received yet.
Volunteer background
Education: Master's on Big Data and Management (Luiss Business School (Rome))
LinkedIn profile
Github profile
Volunteer availability
Start date: None
End date: None
Hours available per week: 4
Volunteering interests
No stated preferences.
Social Science (Economics, Sociology, etc.)
Data Visualization
Experience working on real-world problems using data
Data Analysis
Unsupervised models
Random Forests
Decision Trees

Volunteer projects

No volunteer work yet.