What good is data if it isn't used for good? I have a BS in environmental engineering and experience using R, Python, and SQL. I am just embarking on my path as a data analyst and I can't think of a way I'd rather learn than to contribute to a cause as purposeful as DSSG Solve!

Personal information
Full name: Ess Jaraha
User name: essj
Organization memberships
Not a member of any organization.
1+ task completed
Volunteer background
Education: Bachelor's on Environmental Engineering (University of Colorado at Boulder)
LinkedIn profile
Github profile
Volunteer availability
Start date: Aug. 10, 2020
End date: None
Hours available per week: 10
Volunteering interests
No stated preferences.
Data in Text Files
Data in Relational Databases
GIS tools
Data Visualization
Experience working on real-world problems using data
Experimental Methods (RCTs, A/B testing, etc.)
Data Analysis
Unsupervised models

Volunteer projects

Project name Organization name Social impact area Project summary Task name Task status
Help design visualization of real-time satellite analyses of forest cover change and carbon Health In Harmony Education Health In Harmony has partnered with Woodwell Climate Research Center in Massachusetts and Gunung Palung National Park in West Kalimantan Indonesia to test a pilot of real-time satellite visualizations of active logging within the boundary of the park and changes in carbon density of the forest over time. However, before doing all the back-end scientific analysis, we would like the help of a user interface expert to help us determine what would be the most effective way to display this data. Knowing where we want to get, will help us determine which data to create. This is not a trivial point given the volume of data which will need to be analyzed on an on-going basis. Project scoping Started
Visualize Madagascar Baseline Survey Data Health In Harmony Education Health In Harmony conducted a baseline census survey in November of 2019 in the communities around Monombo National Park. Questions were asked about the health status of communities, their use of the forest, and their economic well-being. We contracted a Malagasi data company to do the survey which included an analysis. However, the data has been presented only in long tables which is not easy to visualize and difficult to present to our donors. Beautiful visualization and some additional analyses would be amazing. Project scoping done_all Completed