Hi, I'm Matt Triano, and I've been very lucky my entire life. I was born a white man in America, to upper middle class parents who provided love, support, and a great education. I have been able to advance very far (intellectually, financially, creatively, etc) because of my good fortune, and I want to live in a world where everyone has the same resources. Great inequality exists in America, much less the entire world, and I want to help bring everyone up to the level I was born into.

My background is in the hard sciences and technologies (undergrad degrees: Physics & Mechanical Engineering; grad degree: Computer Science with a data science/predictive analytics focus), and I want to leverage the fruits of my luck (my education) to develop models and data visualizations that identify the systemic causes of inequality, as well as technological solutions that help address these causes.

I love working on geospatial problems and developing powerful data visualizations (here is an interactive data visualization of World Health Organization mortality data I built in d3.js: https://bit.ly/2MPMNXS ). I'm very familiar with Python and the entire data science stack (NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Bokeh, SciPy, Scikit-learn, PySpark) and you can see an example of my machine learning experience here: https://bit.ly/2MQ0rdz . I'm happy to lend my time and experience to work on interesting, significant problems.

I am working on scoping out a project similar to that of mRelief (https://www.mrelief.com/ , which is a free service that helps people find out what food stamp benefits they qualify for), and I plan on submitting that project if it seems fruitful.

Thanks for reading, Matt Triano

Personal information
Full name: Matt Triano
User name: MattTriano
Organization memberships
Not a member of any organization.
First 100 volunteers
Volunteer background
Education: Master's on Computer Science (DePaul University)
LinkedIn profile
Github profile
Volunteer availability
Start date: Aug. 14, 2018
End date: None
Hours available per week: 10
Volunteering interests
No stated preferences.
Computer Science (Algorithms)
GIS tools
Data in Text Files
Data in Relational Databases
Network/Graph Data
Data from Sensors
Multimedia Data (Video or Audio)
Text Data (NLP)
Data > 1TB
Experience working on real-world problems using data
Data Visualization
Experimental Methods (RCTs, A/B testing, etc.)
Social Science (Economics, Sociology, etc.)
Random Forests
Semi-Supervised models
Graphical models
Decision Trees
Time Series Models
Neural Networks / Deep Learning
Causal inference
Unsupervised models
Instrumental Variables
Regression Discontinuity
Matching (e.g., Propensity Score Matching )

Volunteer projects

No volunteer work yet.