Rating Portfolio Assessments for K-12 Students

The Assessment Improvement Project


The purpose of this project is to use data science to grade K-12 students' writing portfolios so students, educators, and parents can get a holistic idea of the student's capabilities.

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Project scope

Project goal(s)

Produce tool to rate 400,000 writing samples in a timely manner(about 1 week) to facilitate the administration of a statewide portfolio assessment.


Rubric for Expository Writing- https://tea.texas.gov/student-assessment/testing/staar/staar-writing-and-english-i-ii-iii-resources Enrollment Data for Texas by grade- https://tea.texas.gov/sites/default/files/enroll_2019-20.pdf

Analysis Needed

How will we address racial bias? How much will it cost to rate assessments every year? How will we get a representative sample of the population? How much time will it take to rate samples?


The current plan to apply this tool towards a portfolio assessment. This will make it more feasible to assess students multiple times a year.

Scope version notes