Putting a face to IllinoisLegalAid.org's anonymous users

Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO)


IllinoisLegalAid.org will be used by over 3 million people in 2020. With a average website session of just under two minutes, Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) has little understanding of the impact it makes on its users. ILAO seeks to gain insights from its website user data about who it serves, how it serves them, and how it can improve its services.

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This project is completed

Project scope

Project goal(s)

The goals are to: Improve our understanding of ILAO’s users and their behaviors by increasing our ability to effectively segment our users into specific audience types, such as: Professional vs. personal users; Personal users who are motivated learners vs. people in crisis; and, Professional users who are legal aid advocates vs. private lawyers/professionals - Convert more first-time / new users to return visitors, by delivering useful information, based off of past behaviors of similarly-situated, past users - For known segments (those readily available in Google Analytics), we are interested in exploring behavioral differences between: English- vs. Spanish- vs. Polish-speaking users; and, Users on mobile vs. desktop - For new users, what are the distinguishing factors between new users who ‘convert’ to return users vs. those who do not?

Interventions and Actions

Action 1: Convert more new users to return users Action 2: Deliver more relevant resources to particular users Action 3: Make specific asks to segments of users with capacity to donate


Acquia Lift data: Website traffic from March 1, 2019 to April 30, 2020; Extensive data on who visited the site and actions they took, for example: - Favorite content section, which is based on a taxonomy of legal terms and based on pages they viewed. This is stored as custom_field_1 - Favorite content type. This is stored as custom_field_2 - Favorite keyword. This is stored as custom_field_3 - Location of the session: country, state, city, and postal code - Geolocation of the session (latitude and longitude) - The referring domain - The referring url

Google Analytics data: Aggregated web traffic data, Aggregated by standard and custom segments

Scope version notes