Fundación I-Tek

External website

Social good organization: Education

The “Impulso-Tek” or “I-Tek” Public Educational, Scientific and Cultural Charitable Foundation is a private non-profit institution based in Chile. It was established in December 2018. Our mission is to “promote mindful career decisions to boost both students´ opportunities and a better life”. Our focus, in this first stage, is to generate tools, methodologies, information and the culture of support for career decision-making. For this, we focus first on the processes that take place in technical education and STEAM careers (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) in the most vulnerable populations and in women. We consider the development of technical education as a tool to promote the social mobility of poorer populations, creating training and employment paths that increase their opportunities.

We developed different types of projects such as: - Studies to understand and generate evidence on effective strategies to support students’ decisions and trajectories at different levels in the educational system and transitions to or from the labor market. - Studies and evaluations of public policy related to career decisions. - Actions related to the topic to support schools, higher education institutions, VET institutions, students and their families and workers . - Communication actions and dissemination events related to the activities of the foundation. - Actions to promote STEAM education, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Although career decisions are made throughout life, the Foundation prioritizes technical education students, at their different levels. Additionally, the Foundation's actions prioritize the poorest population, women, the rural population, indigenous peoples, migrants, the LGTBI community and other minorities.

Organization's projects

Project name Summary Status Social impact area
Horizon: Trajectory indicators for students in transit to secondary education The project seeks to generate a dashboard of indicators for each primary school, to allow them to understand their students´ trajectories in secondary and tertiary education. This panel will allow public authorities, school authorities, teachers, as well as their students and families to see the performance of these schools in terms of their students´ trajectories. In this way, by improving the available information, stakeholders will be able to make better decisions. done_all Completed
Organization's details

Years in operation: 1 to 5 years

Yearly budget: <$100K

Geographical scope: Country


Estadio 570, Recoleta


Santiago, Región Metropolitana 8440698


Contact information

Phone number: +56994996822

Email address: